Truth Beauty, Taking The Toxic Out Of Beauty

A great talk with Jennifer at The Truth Beauty Company, Lower level, 46 King Street North, Waterloo

I recently watched Toxic Beauty, a documentary about the harmful chemicals used in beauty products. It was shown at the Princess Cinema, a local movie theatre here in Waterloo and was sponsored by The Truth Beauty Company. I caught up with Jennifer Freitas, CEO of The Truth Beauty Company after the movie and found out that she is a wealth of knowledge on the clean beauty industry. Her store focuses on providing a well curated selection of products that are free from harmful chemicals and toxins. She hopes that the movie will encourage people to ask questions about the products they buy and the companies that make them.

The environmental impact of beauty products includes more than how our products are packaged. We need to focus on what is in the products we use and the effect that these chemicals are having on our bodies and our health. The movie brings awareness to just how many products we come into contact with everyday. From makeup to body lotion, deodorant, shampoo and hair products. Beyond that, if toxic chemicals are in the products we are using, what happens to those chemicals when they make their way into our water systems after we use them? Here is where the our personal health and the health of the planet are related. Jennifer encourages all of us to be informed consumers, and to ask questions to be aware of what we are buying.

Questions to ask:

  • what ingredients are in the product?
  • where and how are those ingredients sourced?
  • how are the ingredients made?
  • who is behind the company?

Jennifer asks these and many more questions when she determines which products to feature in her store. After years of research, direct contact with suppliers and collaboration in the industry, she has acquired the knowledge to be confident in the brands and products offered in her store.

Is there a balance?

The movie was definitely eye opening and led me to take a hard look at what I use. Am I willing to pay more for a clean product? Do I really need all of the products that I have? Jennifer talked about this balance as well, how clean a product is compared to it’s cost. As a small business owner, she needs take into account what consumers are willing to pay. This made me think about the concept of cost. Aside from what consumers are willing to pay, consider the true cost of a product taking into account the integrity of ingredients and the impact on the environment. That is something that I am going to think about for sure.

Check out The Truth Beauty Company online or in person Uptown Waterloo:,,

How do you find balance in personal care products?